Xalan doesn't spawn in middle of Well of Eternity anymore, spawns at Astranaar upon conquest Bridge between Red/Blue opens at 10 minutes instead of 15 minutes Base units cost 1 food, Strong units cost 2 food now and Elites cost 3 food Max food is 85 still, even if you have enough spawns to put you over that Food caps matter now, as you destroy spawns food will lower from 85 and that will cap the number of units. Spawn Trigger rewriting should help anyone who was having low FPS on spawn times, if not please report it Rewrote spawn triggers so that as long as you are under max food, all of your spawns will fire (potentially putting you over but w/e), removing the limitation on getting units you paid for Nightmare Ysera spawns for Nightmare if Ysera is dead, whether Nightamres kills her or not. Nightmare Cenarius spawns for Nightmare if Cenarius is dead, whether Nightmare kills him or not Reinforcement timer increased from 90 seconds to 120 seconds to help with unit amount and unit lag Deathwing Lair Waygate stays invulnerable now Wyrmrest Tower has towers as well as guardians Soridormi's roost towers are now Outposts Waygate through Portal to Azeroth set immediately to help with pathing removed permenant immolation from Portal to Zin'Azshari Portal out of Argus no longer becomes vulnerable Removed waygate in Argus to bridge the gap Nar'thalas towers changed from Tri-Shot to Outposts reduced Capital Guard, Erededar Felsword, Highborne Infantry, and Rooksguard infantry collision from 18 to 15 (testing this) Quests updated with basic strategy tips (will develop deeper strategy and perhaps list of events as time goes on) Beginning messages for all factions reworked to explain your first goal/scenario can summon hostile units to test abilities with testing hero test resources (gives 5000 gold, 5000 wood) test control (grants control over all players) Game will start up and you have the following commands: Many twists and turns can be taken, such as Prince Farondis leaving the Queen's Court, Xavius submitting to the Emerald Nightmare, and Neltharion becoming the mad destroyer. The map begins 6v6 with the Burning Legion invading against the Kaldorei Resistance. Currently released and in development in the late-Beta stage. A massive grand-strategy spawn-based map based on lore surrounding the War of the Ancients trilogy books and the Sundering of Azeroth.Ĭontains 12 factions with multiple paths per faction, betrayals, old gods, dragons, mogu, and many more races/characters not seen in other Warcraft maps.